Shotesham conservation group is proud to have been given an award in the 2015 Norfolk Community Biodiversity Awards scheme.
The awards scheme was set up to “recognise outstanding community efforts to conserve biodiversity across Norfolk”
The award has been granted to us in the “Best Group” category. The judging panel were apparently “highly impressed by the range of activities undertaken, including the preparation of management plans, wildlife recording and engagement with the wider local community”
We will be presented with a framed certificate (but no money!) on the 21st July. I will represent the group along with Ed, Lindsay and Tony.
We are rightly proud of the work we all do towards conservation in the village and it is good to get official recognition. The Norfolk Biodiversity Partnership covers all the big conservation bodies (Norfolk Wildlife Trust, BTO, RSPB etc) all the local councils, The UEA and many others, so it is a serious pat on the back.
So thank you to everyone who helps with the group and well done!