It’s a beautiful and interesting parish. Show your excellent photos here!
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Jan Jeeves took this photograph at sunset on the winter solstice 21st December 2014
Pictures taken at the wedding of Charlotte and Sam Masters on April 24th 2014
After one of driest Septembers on record we had a good downpour on 4th Oct accompanied by a superb double rainbow captured by Anthony Lister
10 Shotesham views from Jan and Dick Jeeves
5 photos from Max Carding who lives in Dorset but is a Shotesham fan!
Tim Drake 1. Scaffolding at St Martins 2012 and 2. High Water Level in Beck on 27th January 2013
1. Scaffolding was erected at St Martins in July 2012 (started around mid July) in order to carry out renovation of the Tower. The scaffolding was very substantial as can be seen (but was scaled down from initial plans!).
2. Following a period of high snowfall, the thaw started on Saturday 26th, by early morning of Sunday the 27th when the pictures were taken, the level of water in the beck was very high. ~3 hours after the photos were taken the water level had significantly dropped.
Here’s a sunny summer evening view of the village sign from Lindsay Heywood.