PC Minutes 5March 20

Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ 01508550358. clerk.shotesham@outlook.com

Minutes of the meeting at The Trinity on 5th March 2020.

1. Apologies for absence.

Apologies received and accepted from F Ellis, A Thomas and H Walker.

2. Minutes of 14th of January 2020.

The minutes were confirmed as an accurate statement of the meeting on the 14th January.

3. Planning application.
Poultry Farm Naidens Lane …. 2020/0274

Agreed unanimously.

4. Matters of interest

Financial update.

The Clerk presented the best estimate of the final position for the end of the financial year 2019/20. The submission was accepted.

Village Litter Pick 6/7/8th of March

Another positive litter pick will go ahead after a ‘good’ response from villagers.

Bowling Green ..Community Asset.

An update will be presented at the next full meeting.

Black and White signs …progress report

Very positive response from the ‘sponsor a post initiative. The next stage is to put in motion a plan agreed with Highways. This will see Highways securing the uprights and passing the direction arms to the ‘village’ to be refurbished or re-created. The major concern will be the amassing the letters/numbers needed.

May 8th V.E. Day?

No direct initiative from the parish council

Footpath Coordinator.

Jill Guy will make appropriate contacts to ensure a smooth transition at the end of the summer.

Playing Field …update re Use by external and internal groups.
1. Both Stoke Holy Cross Football Club and a separate individual’s interest has come to nothing.
2. The poor state of the playing surface was discussed and the Clerk asked to investigate the appropriateness the PC’s insurance re public liability.
3. Thought to be given to setting ‘conditions’ for use by all groups …internal and external to the village.
Improving the visual environment in the village

The meeting agreed to support the initiative of the Commons Trustees to reduce/remove the telephone/electricity posts and cables that make the common unsightly.

The Clerk will contact relevant authorities re: funding sources.

Greater Norwich Local Plan
i) None of the South Norfolk Villages are in it the GNLP but some of our larger towns and villages are.
ii) South Norfolk is planning its own ‘local plan’ to involve smaller villages with suitable sites. 
iii) Village Clusters are made up of Village with primary school and other villages within that school catchment area. Shotesham is in Cluster with Stoke Holy Cross and Caister St Edmunds. .  

iv) South Norfolk then decided to have these sites as well as asking for more sites of up to a hectare to be called in where as few as 12 houses but up to 25 could be    built.  The reason for a minimum of 12 is so that within the development there could be some affordable housing.  It is anticipated that these developments would have a mix of housing and not a development of high cost houses!


5. Shotesham Common Trustees….

The sharing of the Common Trustees Minutes/Accounts was valued and appreciated.

Dates of next meetings

Possible date … April 2nd     ….if planning applications need to be resolved.  

Full Meeting … May 7th…..and Annual Parish Meeting [Annual Report from Chairman].


J K Gough, The Clerk