PC Minutes, March 17

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Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on 2nd of March 2017.
In attendance were …, H Jackson, J Nott, J Guy, H Walker, S Dinsdale and our DC Ellis.
1. Apologies received and accepted from C C A Thomas, M Dyke and K Dyke
2. The minutes of the 5th of January were agreed and signed.
3. CPRE Pledge. A positive discussion the earlier expressed concerns of CPRE re unused land for housing was fully supported. The ‘pledge’ was signed by the Chairman.
4. 100 years on !! It was agreed to organise the lighting of a beacon at 7pm on the 11th of November 2018 to allow the village to commemorate the end of WW1. The best site was Church Hill. If allowed by the Common’s Trustees it would be a fitting end to the weekend activities which would include the 2 day exhibition of ‘The Men of Shotesham’ at the Trinity and The Remembrance Service at 11am.
5. Dog Bins The decision to review the Dog Bins was deferred to allow a regular check as to usage.
6. The Meeting confirmed that the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual General Meeting would be held on the 4th of May. Councillors agreed to provide the Chairman with brief details of their areas of interest.
7. Community Governance Review. The Chairman explains the local impact of the review. It was agreed to initially look at the boundary of the parish where residents/property owners may wish to be included in the village or of course included in the neighbouring village. The Clerk was asked to clarify where the decision lies e.g. with the property owner or the resident if the property is rented.
8. J Nott reported on his attendance at a Common’s Trustee meeting.. of interest the proposal to ‘look’ at the impact of water level changes and the introduction of scrapes. Two laminated boards are proposed which would show the footpath route to aid walkers across the Common.
9. J Nott and H walker explained that the Clerk’s new Job description was well advanced.
10. The Clerk presented the Draft Accounts for 2016/17. The outcome was as predicted.
11. Urgent Business.
i) Storm ‘Doris’ has caused considerable damage to already weekend ‘historic’ sign posts ..The black and white direction posts have began to collapse from neglect and old age
Jeff Gough agreed, with the support of the Parish council, to try and seek support to set up a voluntary group to try and recover, refurbish and repair as much possible over the summer.
ii) Benches. The new benches have proved a real success. A point was raised around the sealing of the vertical bolts to prevent water ingress. S Dinsdale suggested a solution. Details to follow. It was felt this would be best done in the high summer when everything was dry!
iii) Footpath F5./Bridge. The wooden bridge over the bec at Stubbs Green is reported to be suffering in parts from wood rot. It was agreed to meet with Footpath Co-ordinator and prepare a detailed report for Highways.

J K Gough The Clerk.

The next meeting is a Planning Meeting [subject to applications being received] at 7.30pm at The Trinity on 6th of April 2017….. or earlier if required.