PC Minutes Feb 24


Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358     clerk.shotesham@outlook.com
Minutes of the meeting held at the Trinity on February 6th 2024.


1. Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Jon Nott and Henry Walker.
2.Approval of the minutes of the parish council meeting of 18th of December.
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record.
3.Financial update for 2023/24
The financial statement was reviewed and accepted
4. i) Planning Permission… 2024/0129
The meeting objected to the application as submitted.    
There were a number of concerns which related to  
a). The roofing colour should be much darker to minimise the visual impact.
b). The siting of the building could be further from the road thus further reducing the visual impact.
c). The application makes no reference to external lighting. The PC requests that a condition be attached that all such lighting be subject to SDNC planning approval.

ii)    Planning application  2024/0221 Willow View Farm
A newly arrived planning permission for Willow View could not be determined as its
arrival was too late to put on the agenda. It was felt a site visit would be helpful in the
understanding of this complex proposal.    
The site visit would be coordinated by the Chairman. The date of 25th of February was suggested. A ‘one item’ planning meeting would be held on Tuesday 5th March

  iii) H M Planning inspector did not approve the landowners appeal against the refusal for such permission by SNDC for the land next to Greenhill

 5. The Coroner …information request…re the Mill Ford
After a detailed discussion regarding the appropriate information to be sent to the coroner the meeting then considered the format of that information. A number of positive suggestions were made to extend the first draft of information.  A councillor offered to review the information already gathered with a view to rearranging it in a more appropriate form.
The clerk was asked to contact the Coroner’s Office to seek clarification/guidance on issues such as redaction of email addresses etc/whom will have access to the information submitted/form of the information to be submitted. 

6. Update..re Barclays and on-line banking.
a). Concern was expressed that no progress was being made with Barclays to complete their requirement that the account should reflect that it was not a ‘business’.
b). Information was shared that the Commons Trustees had change their account, apparently seamlessly, to a new and ‘on line’ account with Barclays. It was suggested that the person acing as Treasurer to the Trustees should be asked to explain the process he followed to achieve success.
7. Defibrillator Box/CPR training
a). The Box. Slim and Jim were thanked for their prompt repair of the ‘box’ door. They explained it was a safe but temporary holding arrangement. Further improvements would follow as the weather improved.
b). CPR training. The possibility of a series of training session for interested villager was welcomed. An approach will be made to The Air Ambulance to arrange a day/session. Every effort will be made to encourage villagers to attend. There would be an especial push to encourage the younger members of our community to attend
8. Footpaths …FP21
The clerk reported that contact had been made with the ‘Footpath Officer’ and an update on the ‘diversion’ would be available soon. It would be shared on receipt.
9.Format for Annual Parish Meeting.
A review of the traditional form of the Annual Parish Meeting has resulted in the realisation that the previous meeting do not meet the expectation of the event. Hence forth  it will be organised as a collective coming together of all the partners in the village …the many and various groups [PC, PCC, Commons Trustees, Bowls Club, SVA with its numerous groups it covers, the conservation volunteers, Gardening club etc  etc, plus the slow cycling group, the walking group, the litter pickers, warm welcome, table tennis ….and every and any group who wish/are willing to share the year with the village
10. Review of meeting day.
It was agreed to revisit the day when all councillors can be present for the regular Parish Council meeting. It does seem Tuesday remains the favoured option. A review will be held to determine whether it is to be the first/second etc etc of the month.
11.A village Booklet.
It was proposed that an examination of how surrounding villages represent their    activities be considered. The Wreningham Handbook was mentioned. It is available on their website. Members were asked to visit the site and see what is being done. Should it be formally agreed to go ahead a team would need to be set up to gather material and draft the Shotesham Booklet.
12. The Annual Village Litter pick will be held in March . Contact has already been made with villagers and a very positive response has be received

DC John Cook was welcomed to the meeting . John shared the various interesting activities in his villages.
John advised that he would support the PC response to the planning application re 2024/0129 and the approach to the planning application for Willow View Farm,
He asked whether the PC had applied for the available grant to plant flowers etc in the village. John asked whether the PC had applied for the Blooms grant. Kim Dyke confirmed that that  had happened and they were in process of receiving the grant. The meeting congratulated Kim Dyke on her success. A working group will be set up to plan what to plant and where in the village would be the most effective.

Date of next meeting at the Trinity on Tuesday March 5th at 6.00pm. This will be a  brief planning meeting …the normal meeting will be held on the 2nd of April at 7.30pm also at the Trinity.

J K Gough, The Clerk.