PC Minutes – 1st Aug

Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ   01508550358.  clerk.shotesham@outlook.com

Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held on the 1st of August 2019

  • Apologies for absence.

Apologies received from CC A Thomas, J Guy and H Walker

  • The minutes of 1st of July meeting were accepted and signed as a correct record.
  • Matters of business
  • Playing field…the request from Tree Warden that the PC support him applying for Tree Preservation Orders for the major oak trees at the edge of the playing field was welcomed and approved. It was noted that the strip of trees bordering the highway was in the village conservation area. This should provide protection for all the trees within the Shotesham Conservation Area including this particular strip. The Clerk will seek to check this statement by contact with SNDC.
  • The request from Mr Woollacott for support from the PC for the purchase of an oak bench for The Grove was approved with the following conditions …
  • The final design of the chair to be discussed with, and broadly approved by, the PC
  • The precise siting to be shared with the Chairman/Clerk. Please note, dependent on the agreed site the landowner/manager may need to be approached for formal approval.
  • The installation to be carried out by Mr Woollacott’s team. 
  • The PC will purchase [and own the bench] if a matching grant is made to the PC prior to the purchase being made.
  • The bench will be maintained [as with the other ‘village’ benches] by the PC.


  • The concern that has been raised about damage [ the removal of a length of boardwalk] to Boudicca’s Way at Stubbs Green was discussed. No one present had any direct knowledge of its removal. There was some discussion as to whether a ‘boardwalk’ and Stubbs Green were compatible. The hope was expressed that the matter would be resolved through constructive dialogue between Mr Russell Wilson, Trails Manager for Boudicca’s Way and those responsible for management of the land at Stubbs Green.
  • The meeting unanimously to re-appoint the 4 Parish Council representatives as Trustees of Shotesham Common. The practice of the PC is to review 2 of the 4 Trustees every 2 years. As this practice had ‘slipped’ it was agreed to reinstate it.

The first 2 people to be reviewed in September 2021 will be Bob Harris and Bernie Fenn…as they are the longest serving trustees.

The whole of the PC was extremely fulsome in their praise and appreciation of the work being done by all four trustees to make the common a part of village life. It is an amenity that we all should, and are, be very proud of. 

Thank you ‘The Trustees of Shotesham Common’

J K Gough, 

The Clerk

NB Next meeting will be at 7.30pm at the Trinity on the Thursday 5th  of September …subject to planning applications requiring determination..