SHOTESHAM PARISH COUNCIL to be approved at next meeting
Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ.Contact 01508550358.. email
Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 8th of January 2015
In attendance were …, JHope [Chairman], J Nott. P Grant
1. Apologies were received from B Sims, H Walker, S Dinsdale and CC A Thomas, DC Ellis , Mr. Pete Lowndes-Burt.
2. Mr. Pete Lowndes –Burt was unanimously appointed by co-option to the vacant post on the council.
3. Planning Application.
Malthouse Farm. Ref 2014/2627 was approved
4. Tree Warden.
Mr.Raz Woollacott’s application /offer to fill the voluntary post of Tree Warden for the village was very much welcomed and accepted by the members.
The Clerk agreed to advise Mr Woollacott; the previous tree wardens Mr and Mrs Mitchell and Robin Taylor at SNDC
A warm vote of thanks was given for the excellent work Mr and Mrs Mitchell have done over the past 10 + years
5. Defibrillator
Mr S Dinsdale report was circulated. A number of points emerged.
The present temporary sign needs to be replaced by a more aesthetic panel similar to Saxlingham. These to replace the existing glass ‘information panels’ which can be relocated at The Grove
On reflection it was agreed that training should be held at the Trinity; it should be held as soon as possible; liaison with Mrs Leighton over a date is essential
The area around the box to be boarded out with pin-board to smarten the area and allow for some notices.
P Grant will liaise with S Dinsdale re the placing of the original boarding at The Grove and with pin board in the ‘defibrillator’ box.
6. Sam 2.
Mr H Walker’s report was received. After a general discussion the following was agreed.
There should be no delay in seeking a grant as the funds were both limited in time and availability.
If the fold-out ‘toad crossing’ signs were removed would the posts be suitable for a SAM2? H Walker to investigate.
7. Litter bin
The litter bin is in place at the Mill/Ford..
8. Footpath Report.
The Norfolk Trails team reported accepting responsibility to ‘fix’ the bridge on Joy’s Loke and the signs at Naiden’s Lane and Abbotts Farm.
The Clerk to follow the request for 4/5 finger posts to allow a small team to be put together to replace those broken or missing
9. Flooding.
Mr Nott agreed to prepare a report based on his resume to be shared with householders via the website/contact.
10. BT box at The Grove
P Grant advised that its repainting will happen in the spring .The box at the common would also be ‘spruced-up’ at the same time.
11. Road Flooded Sign
The sign very generously provided by Highways has proved more much more difficult to use than thought and as a result it was agreed that the sign should be returned.
Concern was also expressed about placing the signs during adverse conditions and the possibility of litigation arising from placing or, indeed, not placing the signs.
The combination of factors led to the decision to take no direct action.
12. Annual Report
Members were asked to read last years report and to advise the Chairman of any items they would like included [with appropriate wording] as soon as possible to the Chairman.
13. Contact/Website
A number of entries would be prepared.
The new appointments of Mr Pete Lowndes-Burt and Mr Woollacott
Flooding report.
PC election reminder.
Defibrillator update.
14 Future dates. Suggested dates were …
5th February Planning Meeting
5th March .Full meeting .last planned for this PC.
16th April Annual Parish Meeting
14th of May ..First meeting of the newly elected Parish Council
Dates to be checked with Mrs Leighton by The Clerk.
The meeting Closed
Jeff Gough …The Clerk