SHOTESHAM PARISH COUNCIL DRAFT to be approved at next meeting
Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ.Contact 01508550358.. email
Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 14th of April 2016
In attendance were …,
H Jackson, J Nott, M Dyke, S Dinsdale, J Guy, and local councillor F Ellis.
1. Apologies
Apologies received and accepted from H Walker, M Riches, K Dyke and CC A Thomas.
2. The minutes of the 29th of February were agreed and signed.
3. Planning Applications
Lathgreen Farm………….2016/0684
The application was approved.
• No impact on the street scene.
Valley Farm………………..2016/0647
The application was approved
• An appropriate use of a redundant barn
• Positive improvement of the street scene….
• Development should be in line with similar buildings within the village/local area.
4. The meeting agreed to hold the Annual Parish and the Annual General meetings on 4th of May at 7.30pm.
5. Updates.
Footpaths and benches.
• There was much praise for the work being done to maintain and improve the network of footpaths by the footpath carers, the coordinator and oversight by the parish councillor.
• The form of the proposed bench was agreed .It will be along the lines of the bench installed at the St Botolph’s Wildlife area. A number of sites have been identified. These will be checked re the final and precise location. Each Landowner will then be approached to acquire their agreement.
• The SAM2 machine has been acquired and is now insured. It will be installed in the near future.
BT box
• The BT box used to house the defibrillator has a damaged door caused by the brief but fierce high wind. The Clerk was asked to acquire an estimate for repair. If Chairman agrred ir was reasonable the work should be put in hand.
End of year balance.
• The estimated end of year balance for the main community account was shared. [A copy is held with these minutes].
Queen’s 90th birthday celebration.
• It was agreed to explore possibility of some activity with other village groups.
All Saints Churchyard.
• The request from the Treasurer of the PCC was briefly discussed with no decision made for this financial year as the budget was set in November 2015. It will be more fully discussed when the 2017/18 budget is being prepared.
6. Good Neighbours Scheme
• The meeting recognised the value of the scheme and asked that Mr Hewer of Poringland be invited to talk to the council re its current operation. It was hoped he could attend the meeting on Wednesday the 4th of May.
7. Leave of Absence.
• A formal request for leave of absence by Mark Riches was agreed. Regular email contact will be maintained and his continued comments on the affairs of the Parish appreciated.
Additional Item
The Chairman reported that the sudden rain and hail storm of the afternoon resulted in the collapse of the steep bank at the entrance to Market lane. A very positive response was received from the Highways Department in the form of Mr Bob Edwards. The meeting asked that their appreciation of the proposed and prompt action be recorded.
The local councillor F Ellis made the following interesting and helpful points…
• A small grant was possible to meet the cost of a projector to facilitate the sharing of the electronic planning applications. This would be pursued.
• In another parish a list of vulnerable parishioners had been drawn up in conjunction with UkNetworks [ the local electricity supply management group]. At times of potential /actual loss of power the people on the list would be contacted and help provided. This has proved helpful elsewhere. The meeting agreed that the company will be asked to send a speaker to the next meeting ..if possible.
DC Ellis attendance at meeting was appreciated and valued.
The meeting closed.