Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ 01508550358
Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday 22nd of June 2022.
- 1. To consider apologies for absence.
Apologies for absence were received from J Webber, J Nott, H Walker and CC Alison Thomas
- The minutes of the 4th of May were approved.
- Planning Applications for determination
i). Bramblewood Barn……..2022/0846
This complex application was visited by 2 members of the parish council.
The following points were noted…
- The barn is within the conservation area.
- The main changes are a new road entrance and a new lodge/garage.
- The other changes were thought to have minimal impact
- There are detailed plans to mitigate impact of the surrounding nearby trees.
- The tree warden has submitted a separate report on the impact on the trees within the site.
The meeting was supportive of the application.
- ii) Shotesham House ….2022/0810
The following points were made
- The tree warden has no concerns
- The site of the treehouse is outside the conservation area.
- It was not clear if there is an intention to use it for overnight accommodation.
The meeting was supportive of the application.
iii) Naidens …..2022/0975
The following points were made.
- The removal of an immature oak acceptable.
- The plan is an improvement to existing buildings.
The meeting was supportive of the application.
- Audit of finances for 2021/2022.
- The clerk explained how the independent audit works.
The auditor’s approval of the finances was accepted by the meeting
- The clerk explained that a full set of audit documents would be displayed on the main notice board on Thursday 23rd of June. The information would remain in place for 6 weeks
- A vote of thanks and appreciation was passed for the work Mr. Harris has done.
- Additional items that were considered.
- Platinum Jubilee The overall judgement of the Jubilee was..’a successful set of events’…despite the weather on Sunday. The ‘beacon ‘ lighting was particularly successful …with an estimate of 200 attendees. The ‘Street Party’ was well supported..both at the event itself and, equally importantly, in the setting up/and clearing away. The event itself was super ..despite the ‘grizzzle’. Final accounting is still being finalized. When complete the chair will discuss with the SVA how they have fared re their finances.
- Electrical Charging Points. Although Shotesham does not have an obvious site for a charging point members felt the topic was of such importance it should be explored further and reviewed at a future meeting.
- Rogers Lane/Priory Lane. The current agreed solution ..which avoids the need for 7 [seven] very tall telephone poles is the best solution. It help protect the village ‘conservation’ feel.
- Pylons or underground? The meeting resolved that, although not directly affected by the transmission route, a formal objection to the above ground cabling should be lodged.
- Meeting days and dates. With the ongoing usage of the Trinity for Yoga on Wednesdays and Table Tennis on Thursday’s a different day should be examined. It was unanimously agreed to consider Mondays. The clerk was asked to contact the three absent Councillors to ask their views.
J K Gough, The Clerk
Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ 01508550358.
Thursday 30th September2021
To all members of the Parish Council
You are invited to attend a meeting of Shotesham Parish Council at All Saints Church to be held at 7.30 pm on the 7th of October for the purpose of transacting the following business.
J K Gough. The Clerk
- Apologies for absence.
- Budget ….Looking to 2021/22
- New items for costing etc
- Review of current spend patterns
- Possible items for consideration.
- Ofgem Consultation. Review of parish council support
- Winter Flooding Report
- Award Honouring Community Efforts
- Footpaths…..FP21 and
- Future venue for PC meetings …All Saints or The Trinity.
- Remembrance Sunday ..14th
- Dates for next two meeting.
- Agreeing ‘budget for 2022/23’ and ‘precept’.
- Receiving the ‘plaque/award for community’
- Matters of urgency…since publication of the agenda.
J K Gough, The Clerk
Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ 01508550358.
Thursday 28th of February 2020.
To all members of the Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity on 5th of March at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.
J K Gough. The Clerk
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of 14th of January 2020.
- Planning application.
- Poultry Farm Naidens Lane …. 2020/0274
- Matters of interest…
- Financial update.
- Village Litter Pick 6/7/8th of March
- Bowling Green ..Community Asset.
- Black and White signs …progress report
- May 8thE.Day?
- Footpath Coordinator.
- Playing Field …update re Stoke Holy Cross Football Club.
- Improving the visual environment in the village e.g. burying the cable along the common.
- Shotesham Common Trustees…. Re Minutes/Accounts…
- Dates of next meetings
- Possible date … April 2nd
- B. Easter weekend ..11/12th April
J K Gough, The Clerk
Contact 01508550358.. email
Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on 7th of December 2017.
In attendance were …, H Jackson, J Nott, J Guy, K Dyke, S Dinsdale, H Walker, M Dyke and CC A Thomas. Apologies were received and accepted from DC F Ellis.
1. Minutes of meeting of the 9th of November 2017 were approved and signed as a correct record.
2. Budget/Precept for 2018/19
• It was agreed to maintain the budget at £6,000. This will result in a slight rise in the precept as the ‘grant’ from the District Council will be reduced for 2018/19 and likely to be zero for 2019/2020.
• The broad outline agreed in previous meeting remains unchanged. Any unforeseen large expenditure will be met from the Reserves/Development fund.
• The increase in charges of the playing field contact was noted. The high quality of service received by the parish from Norse meant the new contract was accepted. It was agreed to commit to a 5 year contract.
• A lively discussion was had over the number of dog bins. It was agreed to continue with the 4 existing sites.
3. Parish Matters
• Only 2 parishioners responded to the Homewatch entry in contact. It was agreed to support these individual initiatives rather than the hoped-for village wide scheme.
• The conservation area. The Clerk outlined the initial discussions around the possible future shape of the reviewed Shotesham Conservation Area. Members were assured that when a first, very preliminary, draft is received from Mr Beckett it will be immediately placed on the agenda for members consideration.
• Playing Field. Members were in agreement to take steps to improve the general condition of the playing field. Kim Dyke offered to join the Chairman and the Clerk in coordinating the work over the next year or so. The early thoughts were……..
• The borders, especially on the wooded/roadside’ will need to be ‘walked’ to check for stones/street furniture etc etc
• The existing creep of the rough ground cover into the grassed playing field area will be tackled with a ‘chain’ mower. This will allow the re-establishment of the full size of the ‘grassed’ area.
• The areas adjoining the perimeter fences and the entrance needs cutting and the material removed. Then periodically cut and material removed.
• Job description/Contract of employment of the Clerk.
• A series of draft documents were produced. A set were given to the Clerk for reading during the festive season and electronic copies of the key documents would be sent by email to members.
• The Clerk will contact the NALC to ask/request their thoughts of their undertaking of a review of the minimum hours required to undertake the duties…a time of 4 hours per week was set at the beginning of 2000. It now needs review and updating.
• The CC A Thomas advised she would contact other villages of a similar size in her patch to seek their employment documentation.
CC A Thomas was invited to update the parish council on matter relating to NCC.
• The formal result of the latest Ofsted visit will be known in January. The, much improved, quality of performance of the authority already recognised by councillors will, it is firmly hoped, be reflected in the Ofsted findings!
• Much energy is being spent to attempt to meet the demands to save significant sums to bring the overall expenditure into balance. Specific decisions will become clear in the months ahead…e.g. the grant paid to compensate disabled people for extra demands on services they need to being reviewed. The outcome may see arise in the allowance the most severely disabled.
• A visit to the village by the new ‘Shotesham’ Highways Officer Gary Overland was successful. 2 key areas were looked at. The repaired bank in Market lane and the flooding at the junction of Rogers Lane and Keepers Lane.
Next meeting. A planning meeting arranged for 14th November at 5.45pm at the Trinity.
J K Gough,
The Clerk, Shotesham Parish Council