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Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on 7th of September 2017.
In attendance were …, H Jackson, J Nott, J Guy, H Walker, M Dyke and K Dyke and DC F Ellis.
1. Apologies for absence.
Received and accepted from S Dinsdale and CC A Thomas.
2. The minutes of the 7th of August were approved and signed as a correct record.
3. Cooption to vacancy on the Parish Council.
• Only one candidate expressed an interest.
• Kim Elizabeth Dyke was duly elected and warmly welcomed to her new position.
• The ‘Acceptance of Office’ declaration was completed and signed
• The Declaration of Interest and associated documents will be emailed this evening for completion and return to The Clerk.
4. Parish Matters
• The CPR/Defibrillation training/awareness day has been widely advertised …hopefully the village will embrace this opportunity.
• Footpath Report has been submitted and will be shared and discussed to plan what action can be taken.
• The meeting agreed to provide funds for the replacement of the parish computer and associated accessories. DC Ellis helpfully agreed to look at any source of grants.
• SAM2 appears to be doing its job. There was agreement to re-site it to an area of developing concern. A full report will be provided for the next meeting.
• Playing field … moles will be dealt with when the ground is a little wetter. An area of concern, the boundary incursions, was discussed and a strategy agreed to deal with it.
• A number of villages have expressed concern that ‘inappropriate’ accommodation is being used for living space. It was agreed to gather advice and then either approach the residences in question or let the District Council resolve matters.
• The spate of attempted and successful burglaries is of great concern. The police have provided advice which will be shared throughout the village. email and through Contact.
5. Planning Application
• Barn south of Grubb Street….2017/2025
After a general discussion the application was approved
6. Date of next meeting.
The next meeting will be initial budget review prior to setting the precept in December. The Chairman will check to see if two dates are available, Wednesday 1st or 8th of November. Members will then be informed and the date confirmed.
• DC F Ellis drew members attention to a scheme HELP HUB which is designed to help to improve residents ‘health and wellbeing’. Details will be shared with the village.
The Clerk, Shotesham Parish Council