Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity at 7.30 pm on 1st of February 2018.
1. Apologies received and accepted from S Dinsdale, DC F Ellis and CC A Thomas.
2. The minutes of the 7th and the 14th of December were accepted and signed.
3. Planning Application.
• 2017/2841 2, Upgate Cottages
The application was supported.
• 2018/0113 King’s Barn Farm
The application was supported. There was some concern about the cladding but the proposed plan was accepted as a good solution linking the individual buildings.
4. Parish Matters.
Conservation Area…The members reviewed the information helpfully provided by Mr Beckett. The members would value meeting him at their next meeting on 1st March to share their ideas and hear in more detail the SNDC position.
Greater Norwich Plan. The 2 areas being considered within Shotesham, the area next to the Bowling Green and an area that encompasses the playing field, were discussed. Members agreed to visit one of the ‘road shows’ to understand more about the Plan. The matter will be discussed and a view formed at the March 1st meeting.
Litter Pick Weekend. The 17/18th of March has been included in this months’ Contact. Members are asked to encourage neighbours/colleagues etc to take part to help improve the village environment.
Playing Field. The chairman reported that Mr Benson removed all the old goal posts and sundry other rubbish from the initial clearance of the field edge. A helpful act. It is planned to remove/cut down the scrub to allow the area to be recovered and put back to grass. Help will be sought to carry out a comprehensive ‘clear up’ to remove old bottles/cans and sundry rubbish. Target date is 10th of February.
The Clerk. Review of Pay Scale. After a presentation by the Vice Chairman Jon Nott it was agreed to adopt the National Pay Scale relating to part-time clerks LC1 at Point 25 and increase the weekly time allowance to 5hours. This would be effective the 1st of January 2018. A draft contract and associated papers were shared with the clerk for comment and, when appropriate, signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
Recycling. The Chairman shared her growing interest in understanding of the recycling process in South Norfolk. It was agreed that a village ‘awareness raising’ of the process would make a ‘good’ focus for the Annual Parish Meeting on 3rd May.
Village Film Night. It was reported that DC Florence Ellis had given a grant of £450 to the Village Association to support the purchase of a sound system which will, with the new screen, make for an improved evening for all attendees.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm at the Trinity on March the 1st 2018.
J K Gough,
The Clerk, Shotesham Parish Council