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Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on 9th of November 2017.
In attendance were …, H Jackson, J Nott, J Guy, K Dyke, S Dinsdale, H Walker, M Dyke and DC F Ellis.
1. Apologies for absence.
Received and accepted from CC A Thomas.
2. The minutes of the 7th of September were approved and signed as a correct record.
3. Budget and Precept for 2018/19.
• The Clerk explained the papers presented [attached to these minutes in file]
• Members were asked to bring any additional ideas for expenditure in 2018/19 to the next meeting.
4. Planning applications
• Shotesham Lodge 2017/2359 and 2017/2360
Both applications were approved
• Haybarn 2017/2421
Members accepted the 2 proposed extensions to the ‘haybarn’ but were concerned with the application simultaneously seeking approval for the adjoining ‘field’ being taken in to the curtilage of the property…thus a change of use.
The following concerns were expressed
• The area proposed was large for the driveway it was facilitating.
• The new driveway would put two entrances on to a country road.
• The property adjoining the ‘field’ main window enjoyed their light for a currently open aspect. Could this be protected by some restriction on trees, hedges etc?
• The possibility that the two areas to the right and left of the proposed drive could allow for new properties to be created at a future date.
• The neighbour had suggested a new drive parallel to the existing joint drive which might be worth exploring.
….With these expressed concerns the application was accepted.
5. Parish Matters
• The members were pleased to note that James Nott was to read the Kohima at the Remembrance ceremony on Sunday.
• The footpath report summary by Mrs Guy was welcomed and accepted. Mrs Guy was asked to send an electronic version to the Clerk. It would be sent on to Highways to request the footpath posts required to fully cover the parish. It was requested that on arrival Mr. Woollacott be asked to put them in place.
• Homewatch. No response to the article in Contact. Members therefore not clear whether there is any interest in the village. Nevertheless, it was agreed to try again with another entry in contact and, additionally, the village website.
• There was agreement to be part of the review of Shotesham’s Conservation Area. Steve Beckett will be asked to offer a number of dates and times when he can come to Shotesham and begin the process.
• The issues with respect to the boundaries of the playing field were explained by J Nott. Members authorised the Chairman to approach the householder who is using the playing field for an extra flower garden, growing shrubs, dumping garden waste and using the area for bonfires…with the view that all such items be removed. There are 3 entrances on to the area..2 with formal gates. It should be brought to the notice of the householders that such entrances are strictly on the understanding that they have no permanence, cannot establish any rights of entry and they may be requested to close them without notice if a nuisance results from such access.
6. Date of next meetings
The following dates were agreed up to and including May 2018. ……they are ..
• 7th of December
• No meeting in January as hall being refurbished.
• 1st of February
• 1st of March
• 5th of April
• 3rd of May ..for both the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.
J K Gough,
The Clerk, Shotesham Parish Council