DRAFT…..SHOTESHAM PARISH COUNCILTelephone… 01508550358.Email…. clerk.shotesham@outlook.com
Minutes of meeting of the 5th April held at Trinity Hall.
- Apologies for absence received from J Nott, H Walker and CC A Thomas.
- The minutes of 1st of February were accepted as a true record and duly signed.
- The year-end financial statement was accepted with one amendment.
- Retrospective Planning Applications 2023/0507
The meeting supported the initiative to make use of ‘green’ energy. Nevertheless, the meeting recognised the need to mitigate noise levels and to re-site or screen the fan-box to reduce the impact on the street screen. The meeting hoped that the SNDC Planning Team and the applicant could find a pragmatic approach to address these concerns.
- Re FP21.Members expressed their disappointment that no progress could be reported. The clerk agreed to share their disappointment with Highways.
- The proposal to create a parking area outside the entrance to All Saints Church
A number of points were made.
- After discussion with SNDC it appears planning permission will be required.
- The clerk to advise the PCC and the Trustees of Shotesham Common.
- There appears to be no determination to date by the HMI who is reviewing the appeals……re:- developments at ‘Glenview’ and ‘Land south of Greenhill’
- Shotesham Mill Ford. The meeting expressed their disappointments that no further action is to be taken by Highways.
A log will be kept to show that there is a need for urgent action.
- The current plans for the coronation celebrations were supported. It was agreed to make an application for the grant available from SN council.
- The meeting supported the clerk’s wish to be a part of NPTS for 2023/24.
- Changing Bus Timetable. The meeting expressed their disappointment that it is proposed that a large part of the village should not be served by the bus. The clerk to write to the company and our county councillor to stress the need to continue serving The Grove.
- to be confirmed at the next
- The current concern about the door to the Telephone box that houses the defibrillator will be attended to by councillor Mr Dinsdale.
The meeting ended with all members of the council expressing their appreciation of the support and helpfulness given to Shotesham by retiring District Councillor Florence Ellis, who has served the ward for the past 12 years.
A true friend to Shotesham. Florence will be missed.
Date of next meeting of the new council …31st May at 7.30pm at the Trinity