Minutes 3 Oct 19

Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ   01508550358.  clerk.shotesham@outlook.com

Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held on 3rd of October 2019.

 The Trustees of Shotesham Common, who had been invited to be present, were thanked for their attendance by the Chairman Mrs. Heather Jackson.

Three trustees were present …Ed Howard [the chairman], Bernie Fenn and Andy Musgrove. They then set out their thinking re the common and its development.

The following points were made…..

  • The plan to treat the common as two separate sections, with the division being made at Hollow Lane, has proved very successful and will continue.

South section

  • The increase in orchids and other wildflowers reinforces the decision above.
  • The opportunity to use the common as a recreational facility for the village has been welcomed. Particularly welcomed is the ease of access through the new gate opposite Joy’s Loke and the circular path around the common.
  • Future plans will see the bec being cleared in sections to allow its visual appreciation but with some parts left covered for the benefit of the wildlife.
  • Volunteers will be sought, to be trained by Environment Agency, to maintain the bec in an appropriate manner. 
  • The steady increase in number and size of trees/shrubs/scrub will be arrested and the traditional openness will be re-established. 
  • The bridge over the bec, which allows vehicular access to Brookfields and the west bank, will be replaced by the spring.
  • A coppiced oak, at the start of the road up to All Saints, will be removed as it is currently blocking the sight line to the road.

North Section

  • The straightness of the bec through this section has always been a concern. Steps will be taken to make an adjustment of its flow below Glenview by creating a series of ‘meanders’.
  • In an area of particular wetness a wide but shallow ‘scrape’ will be created in the hope of attracting a greater variety of both animal and plant life.
  • The final stretch of fencing alongside Skeets Hill will be done in the spring.

The trustees were thanked for their presence and for the information that was shared with the meeting. It was hoped this event could be repeated every two years.

The chairman, on behalf of parish council and the village as a whole, wished to thank the Trustees for the huge and voluntary contribution they make to the preservation of our common. As has been said …..’A jewel in the heart of the village’.


The parish council meeting began ……………………………….

  • Apologies for absence.

Apologies received from CC A Thomas and M Dyke

  • The minutes of the 1st of August were accepted and signed as a correct record.
  • Planning application.
  •   The Paddocks, Grub Street.  2019/1884

Approved…positive enhancement to the area.

  •   Valley Vista, Chapel Lane.    2019/1895

Approved…no objections.

  • Financial update.

The financial update was noted and accepted.

  • Remembrance Day 10th November.

The traditional procedure for the event was affirmed. The PC now awaits contact with PCC re final details of the day.

It was noted that there are a number of cracks on the memorial needing attention. J Nott was asked to approach the builder, who has previously been helpful, to confirm the work to be done. 

  • Footpaths

Members expressed disappointment that the posts to be provided by Highways could not be made available after the inability to deliver them or, at the time, to collect them. They were happy with the promise to be included, as a priority, when the next supply is received.

The Clerk confirmed that Highways would be reviewing the ongoing situation with the landowner blocking FP21 despite them being warned by the local authority.

More positively J Nott reported that Shotesham Estate had suggested that they would create a permissive path linking FP8 and FP12. This suggestion was much appreciated and welcomed by the meeting. It would obviate the present need to walk on the road on the route from St Mary’s Church towards All Saints/Stubbs Green.

  • Community Assets. The Bowls Club

Following the success of the Globe pub being formally recognised as a ‘Community Asset’ the meeting discussed whether The Bowling Green should also be formally acknowledged as a Community Asset. This suggestion received the full support of the meeting.

H Walker agreed to coordinate the paperwork.

The clerk was asked to inform the Bowling Club Captain Mr. A Banham and, if possible, to acquire a copy of the Trust Deed of the Bowling Club.

  • Playing field

Previous concern that there was uninsured access being made of the playing field has been resolved. 


  • Swainsthorpe development.

The concern of the villagers/parish council of Swainsthorpe regarding the development being proposed by the company Ben Burgess, on the immediate outskirts of their village, was noted. A note of support of their concerns will be sent to the parish council.

  • The memorial bench for The Grove.

Excellent progress is being made. The style of the oak bench has been agreed. The design and wording of plaque has also been agreed. It will recognise the contribution of the ‘Men of Shotesham,’ who served in the 1914-1918 war, made for us. Raz Woollacott was praised for his efforts.

  • Norfolk Highways chemical spraying vehicle.

The concerns of a local family regarding the spraying of weeds/grass in the roadside gutters and pavements was noted. No further action would be taken.

  • The Mill ford.

A request is to made to Highways for a sign at the Mill ford advising motorists that the concrete crossing is ‘slippery’.

  • The ‘heritage’ signposts.

Progress is being made in collaboration with Gary Overland of Highways and CC Alison Thomas to develop a project to reinstate/repair/refurbish the ‘black and white’ oak signposts.

Positive support has already been received with the refurbishment of two posts by the Highway Rangers. They are at Baxters lane junction and Hawes Green junction. This positive support is greatly appreciated.

  • Kim Dyke shared her concern about the speed of traffic in the village especially in the morning at the time when school children are being picked up by their bus. It was agreed to relocate SAM to deter such activity.


Our District councillor, Florence Ellis, outlined developments with the Greater Norwich Local Plan, together with an update of current matters being considered by the council

J K Gough, 

The Clerk

NB Next meeting will be at 7.30pm at the Trinity on the Thursday 7th of November …subject to planning applications requiring determination.