Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ
The minutes of a virtual meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held via ‘Zoom’ 1st of October at 7.30 pm.
1. Apologies for absence.
• Apologies received from Florence Ellis
2. Approval of the minutes of 6th of August 2020.
• Minutes were approved as a correct record.
3. Planning Application…Havelock Cottage 2020/1593
• After careful consideration the application was supported without reservation.
4. Financial update to 22nd September.
• The update was approved.
5. A Neighbourhood Plan for Shotesham…
• The clerk was authorised to submit an application to South Norfolk to register that Shotesham Parish Council will follow the Town and Country Planning Act of 1990 Council in the formation of such a plan.
• Any plan will reflect the views of the community, identify the features and local characteristics people value, together with identifying local issues, problems and opportunities
• The plan will also set out how residents and others want the community to develop and evolve.
• The Chairman praised the extensive work done in 2011/12 to formulate a village plan. A similar approach will be followed in the gathering of key information for a future neighbourhood plan.
6. Matters of business
• Covid-19. The joint Support Group of SVA, PCC and the Parish Council will monitor the impact of new restrictions.
• The meeting noted that South Norfolk has recognised the contribution the joint Support Group with certificates.
• Bowling Green. A formal application has been submitted to South Norfolk in order that the Bowling Green be recognised as a Community Asset.
• The contact entry re the ‘children’s play area’ next to the Trinity generated just 3 responses. This project will be shelved.
• Basic work will be initiated to protect the newly completed repairs of the 2 X-BT boxes. The complete repainting will be postponed until next Spring.
• The 4th dog bin temporarily placed on Hollow Lane is serving its hoped-for purpose. A review in the Spring will determine its long-term siting.
• The original nettle/bramble clearing work by Jon Nott/Shotesham Estate, on the playing field, has resulted in a huge improvement.
• Remembrance Sunday 8th of November. The usual PC presence was agreed. A risk-assessment will need to be done. This will be followed by a basic plan which will be formed with, and agreed with, the PCC regarding the number of attendees/their spacing etc.
• The excellent footpath network is likely to need significant input in respect to replacing ‘lost/damaged’ signs. One footpath, F21, appears to still be blocked and active steps now need to be taken to resolve the impasse.
J K Gough, The Clerk