Management Plan for The Village Pond

Site coordinators: Mike and Bernie Fenn

Overview: A high quality spring fed pond and surrounding trees and shrubs. Because of its prominent position in the village it is important for public access. It is also part of the extensive Shotesham Common with all its important wildlife habitats.

Main habitats:

  1. The pond and outlet ditch. Is a breeding site for Moorhens and Mallards and a winter habitat for various ducks and (on at least one occasion) a  Water Rail. It is also important for dragonflies and other inverebrates.
  2. The hedges and shrubs on damp ground. Valuable cover for birds and insects.


Management in 2017:

  • Usual cut of vegetation in Oct. 
  • Coppice some of the shrubs on rotation
  • Pollard Willows as necessary
  • Continue to cut the grass in front