Site coordinator : Ed Howard
Overview: The area at the top of the hill, outside the church perimeter wall, by the benches and around the war memorial is an important public access area with splendid views along the length of the common. The hill itself is steadily becoming a quality wildflower meadow and has responded well to the way it has been managed over a few years.
Management in 2017: The 2 sides of the drive and the public access area at the top of the hill will be kept cut throughout the growing season. The commons trustees have a contract with a landscaper to do this.
The wildflower meadow on the hillside will be left uncut until an appropriate date in the summer (done in July 17) and then cut by the contract landscaper. The cut hay will be raked off and removed by the conservation group. This is a popular task and is usually well attended and enjoyed. The Alexander’s growing by the roadside is cut in late spring/early summer and will need to be cut each year before seeding to stop it spreading.