We are writing to advise you of a Safety Advisory Group workshop focusing on firework displays that will hopefully be of interest to any event organisers you are aware of.
The role of the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) is to encourage events, whilst ensuring that event organisers hold their events safely and legally. The SAG is made up of officers from your relevant local authority and county council, Norfolk Constabulary, East of England Ambulance Service and Norfolk Fire and Rescue. A “one stop shop” to hopefully answer any queries they may have and to share ideas with other event organisers.
The workshop will be held on MSTeams on the 15th September from 10:00am. Please kindly ask organisers to emailsag@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk and they will be provided with the invitation link.
Alternatively, if unable to attend we would encourage submission of event management plans/risk assessments tosag@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk and officers will review and provide feedback on any areas that need amendment or further clarification.
We would also point them in the direction of the following websites which will provide assistance –
Many thanks
Amanda Cox
Licensing & Enforcement Officer/SAG Chair
t 01508533621
e amanda.cox@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk