Fete 2016

Got the show on the road…Vintage Car rallyP1060625P1060624

A warm welcomeIMG_4971IMG_4973IMG_4965

Enter the dogs….in their Saturay best!IMG_4934IMG_4937IMG_4939IMG_4940IMG_4941IMG_4943

“One of us is going to have to get changed!”IMG_4950IMG_4955IMG_4959IMG_4960

The he race is on!IMG_4966IMG_4970IMG_4969

Tea time..IMG_4930IMG_4929IMG_4983IMG_4982

IMG_4932That’s the way to do it, keeping the kids entertained!IMG_4985IMG_4984IMG_4975IMG_4978

Some excellent antiquities in the Heritage ExhibitionIMG_4928IMG_4927IMG_4926


…steady (as she goes)….IMG_4987


Roll up, roll up…IMG_4931IMG_4968IMG_4967IMG_4974

The final push/pull!IMG_4991IMG_4992

Into the night…IMG_5000IMG_5004

Spice Girls comeback?


One for the road…IMG_5005