Shotesham Parish Council
Expenditure for …2015/16.
PC Insurance 282.13
Playing Fields Association 20.00
Rural Community Council 20.00
Norfolk Association of Local Councils 131.56
Norse/Maintenance of playing fields VAT 56.92 341.54
Parochial Church council..Grass-cutting .churchyard. 600.00
The Clerk..3 months salary 420.00
HMRC PAYE on 3 months salary. 105.00
Kidner Farming for use of playing fields 250.00
Norse/Maintenance of playing fields VAT 56.92 341.53
HMRC PAYE on 3 months salary 105.00
The Clerk..3 months salary 420.00
Trinity Hire 100.00
Mazars ..Fee charged by external auditors VAT 20.00 120.00
R S Jackson Maintenance of village benches.Benches 148.00
The Clerk 3 months salary 420.00
HMRC PAYE on 3 months salary 105.00
CH Trust Re training for defibrillator VAT 35.00 210.00
SVA Conservation Insurance [Shared with SVA and PCC]. 49.00
The Clerk..3 months salary 420.00
HMRC PAYE ..on 3 months salary 105.00
The Clerk [Expenses inc Wreath] VAT 3.33 167.55
SNDC Dog Bin Clearance.[4 bins] VAT 50.51 303.07
SAM2..speed detector inc installing posts VAT 731.20 4387.20
CAB Replacing lost cheque 2014/.15. 50.00
VAT 953.88 Expend 9621.58
Income for 2015/16
Carry Forward from 2014/5 2854.56
SNDC Precept [Part 1] and Grant 3021.00
Precept [Part 2] 2879.00
Vat Refund 1..except SAM2 222.68
Grant SAM2 1828.00
Vat Refund 2 for SAM2 731.20
Total income 11536.44
Total expenditure -9621.58
Balance 2015/16 1914.86
Final balance of the 2015/16 budget was an overspend of 889.70 Planned to be met by use of c/f from 2014/15 to match NCC 50% funding for SAM2.
Final balance of the Community Account to be c/f 1914.86
The carry forward will meet commitments from 2015/16 into 2016/17 Benches..Grant Anglian Water…Refurbishing of both ex-BT boxes..
J K Gough,
The Clerk, June 2016