PC Mtg – 1 Feb 23

St Mary NR15 1UJ 

25th of January 2023.

To all members of the Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held at Trinity Hall at 7.45 pm on the 1st of February for the purpose of transacting the following business.


Jeff Gough
The Clerk

1.   Apologies for absence.
2. To approve the minutes of 7th of December 2022.
3. Financial matters …
  i).  Confirmation of the 5% increase in the precept has been submitted.
  ii). Update of finances to late January.
4.   Planning Applications 2022/1343 Winrush..for information re details of lay-by.
5. Footpath report.
6. The proposal to create a parking area outside the entrance to All Saints Church
7. If available ..updates of HMI review of appeals re:- developments at ‘Glenview’ and ‘Land south of Greenhill’
8. Concerns over Shotesham ford.
9.   Any urgent business and/or updates received after publication

Please note new time.