Pylons East Anglia

Offshore Wind:  Norfolk Parishes Movement for an OTN  – September Update
Please see the ESN Pylons update attached below, FYI.
This newsletter was produced and distributed on 8th September 2022 by the Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk Pylons action group  and we are forwarding it to you today because it summarises very well the wide range of actions that continue to be carried out in the furtherance of our shared cause.
Several people active in the Norfolk Parish Movement for an OTN are working closely now with the ESN Pylons team and pooling our experience, information and resources.
No one is under any illusion as to the difficulties we continue to face, but neither is anyone prepared to walk away from this huge issue. 
In terms of the situation here in Norfolk:  the announcement was made on September 5th that Equinor have finally submitted an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for their Sheringham and Dudgeon Extension Projects (SEP/DEP). Assuming that PINS accepts the application for consideration, then the public examination will commence in the coming weeks with the Preliminary Meeting, which will most likely take place in Norwich, and will then be followed by 6 months of public hearings and deadlines for written submissions.
All Parish Councils and members of the public can participate in the process  –  but you do have to register, at the appropriate time.
We would like to encourage all Parish Councils, and especially those who are closely affected by the SEP/DEP cable route, to consider taking the following actions:
1. Subscribe to the PINS website, for regular updates on all developments in the SEP/DEP planning process.  Simply google “National Infrastructure Planning”,  type “Sheringham and Dudgeon Extension Projects” into the ‘Search project name’ bar,  and then type your email address into the ‘Email Updates’ bar, to sign up.
2. Actively consider attending the Preliminary Meeting, once its date is announced. This meeting is much more important than it sounds: it not only lays out the timetable for the process, it also considers suggestions for additions to the Panel’s list of Principal Matters for consideration during the whole examination process. It is very likely that there will be some vital matters not yet included at that stage, that will need to be raised.  These might include  (a) proper consideration of an alternative grid connection point  and (b) the inclusion of the East Anglia Green pylons project as a cumulative impact of SEP/DEP.  A significant attendance by Parish Councils (and indeed by individuals) at the Preliminary Meeting would be a clear indication to the panel of planning inspectors (known in this process as the Examining Authority) of the high level of engagement and understanding of the gravity of these issues amongst Norfolk communities. 
Finally, I owe you a brief explanation as to my own position, especially as you may have noticed in recent weeks that you have sometimes received communications regarding the OTN, from a different email address. The reason is simple: over the past six months, a domestic health situation has developed which currently needs my full attention at home.
Sandra Betts of Barford & Wramplingham PC and her husband, Jonathan, who sits on their working party on the offshore wind issue, have kindly agreed to take up the reins of coordinating the NPM, at least for the time being.  
I am enormously grateful to them for stepping into this breach.
If you have any queries at the moment, or comments you wish to make, then please contact Jonathan or Sandra Betts on:
In the meantime  –  onwards!
With best wishes,
Alison  (Shaw)
Oulton Parish Councillor

pp Norfolk Parish Movement for an OTN