Parish Council agenda

Shotesham PC Agenda, 17th July 2024

AgendaShotesham PC Agenda, Meetings .25th of June 2024

 Agenda –  Shotesham PC Agenda. Annual General Meetings .11th of June 2024

Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358
To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be  held in the Trinity at 7.30pm on 9th of April for the purpose of transacting the following business.

 Jeff Gough, The Clerk


  1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the parish council meeting of the 5th of March
  3. Financial update re end of financial year and ‘online banking’.
  4. Planning Application …2024/0725 at The Grove.
  5. The Ford…the next step..…
  6. Shotesham in ‘Bloom’
  7. Naiden’s Lane closure Boudicca’s Way
  8. Annual Meeting. Date and arrangements

     Urgent matters arising after publication of the Agenda

J K Gough, The Clerk.



Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358

To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity at 6.00pm on 5th of March for the purpose of transacting the following business.

 Jeff Gough, The Clerk


  1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the parish council meeting of the 6th of February
  3. Planning Permission… 2024/0221 Willow View Farm and 2024/0336 Orchard Cottage.
  4. The Ford…A discussion with CC Alison Thomas.…

   Urgent matters arising after publication of the Agenda

J K Gough, The Clerk.



Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358

To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity at 7.30pm on 6th of February for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Jeff Gough, The Clerk


  1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the parish council meeting of 18th of December.
  3. Financial update for 2023/24
  4. Planning Permission… 2024/0129
  5. The Coroner …information request.
  6. .re Barclays and on-line banking.
  7. Defibrillator Box …repair.
  8. Footpaths …FP21
  9. Format for Annual Parish Meeting.
  10. Review of meeting day.
  11. Defibrillator Training …

     Urgent matters arising after publication of the Agenda

Date of next meeting at the Trinity on Tuesday 2nd of April

J K Gough, The Clerk.



Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358

To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity on Tuesday 5th of December at 7.30pm …for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Jeff Gough, The Clerk


  1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the parish council meeting of 3rd of October.
  3. Update on agreed activities…
  • Footpaths …programme of activities for improving the signage and FP21.
  • War memorial …. Remembrance Ceremony.
  • Warm Welcome …Village response.
  • Speed Warning …new batteries
  • Welcome letter and information pack.
  1. Financial update.

i).  A review of 2023/24.

ii). The precept for 2024/25.

iii). Update on ‘on-line’ banking

    5.Planning permission…..2023/3494 at Hilltop Cottage, Priory Lane.


  1. 6. Defibrillator/Resuscitation….a public meeting??


  1. Flood risk in Shotesham ..the parish approach.


  1. 8. .Agreed/requested action by Highways/Rangers
  • Narrowing of the pavement …particularly along The Street.
  • Repair of signs…speed sign at Rogers Lane, Junction of Heath Road and Howe Lane.
  • The blocking of Wash lane ..Still a road…though has become a small muddy stream.
  • Update on the Mill Ford.




Urgent matters arising after publication of the Agenda


Date of next meeting to be agreed ..possibly will be on 9th of January or  6th of February.



J K Gough, The Clerk.


Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358

To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity on Tuesday 3rd of October at 7.30pm …for the purpose of transacting the following business.

 Jeff Gough, The Clerk 


  1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the parish council meeting of 1st of August.
  3. Update on agreed activities…
  • Footpaths …programme of activities for improving the signage and FP21.
  • War memorial …. ‘cleaning’ the stonework and de-weeding the gravel.
  • ‘Welcome’/picnic to old and new friends at Grove Farm.
  • The new village information ‘booklet’. Setting the guidelines for its content.
  1. Financial update.
  2. Planning permission a). 2023/2310… land off Mill Lane. b).  2023/2891..Land off Grubb Street
  3. Restarting …Warm Welcome.
  4. Bus service …some concerns.
  5. Speed Warning …new batteries or updated model?
  6. Narrowing of the pavement …particularly along The Street.


  1. Urgent matters arising after publication of the Agenda

Date of next meeting will be on 5th of December.

  • A key issue will be the setting of the precept for 2024/25.

J K Gough, The Clerk.



Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358

To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity on Tuesday 1st of August at 7.30pm …for the purpose of transacting the following business.

 Jeff Gough, The Clerk

**** DC John Cook will join the meeting and will be happy to take questions and discuss how he sees his role as our district councillor. John has another pre-booked meeting at a neighbouring parish and therefore will not be able to stay for the whole meeting.


  1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the parish council meeting of 31st of May.
  3. Footpath …programme of activities for improving the signage.
  4. War memorial ….date for ‘cleaning’ the stone work and de-weeding.
  5. Summer activity…..‘Welcome/picnic to old and new friends at Grove Farm.
  6. The next four years…a basic plan for the future.
  7. Identification of key documents to be updated/reviewed?
  8. Urgent matters arising after publication of the agenda

J K Gough, The Clerk.



Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358

To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the next meeting  of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity on Tuesday 27th of June at 7.30pm …for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Jeff Gough, The Clerk

Sarah Long, the Tree warden will join the meeting to explain how her role has developed since appointment, together with’ how Sarah feels it is likely to develop over the next few years.


!.        To consider apologies for absence.

  1. Approval of the minutes of earlier meetings.
  • The Parish Meeting of 5th of May.
  • The Annual Parish meeting of 31st of May
  • The Annual General meeting of the 31st of May
  1. 3. Conformation of the appointment of S Dinsdale and H Walker as coopted councillors.
  2. 4. Financial Matters.
  • The review of the accounts of 2022/23 and their formal ‘signing off’
  • As is current practice the appropriate accounts will be displayed in the notice board before the 1st of July for the required time
  • A three-monthly review of finances?
  1. 5. Footpath
  • plans and ideas for improving the signage
  • FP21…Update on current position re the enforcement order.
  1. 6. Summer activity
  • A ‘Welcome/picnic’ for old and new friends’ at Grove Farm.
  1. Grant for speed camera/update if available
  2. 8. A Council’s Key Documents and Policies
  • A programme for the review and adoption of policies.
  1. Dates for next meetings ….
  • Meetings will be held on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm at the Trinity.
  • Proposed dates …. August 1st, October 3rd, December 5th, February 6th …..any planning applications that cannot wait until the ‘next’ planned meeting will be agreed by calling a meeting on an ad hoc basis.
  1. Urgent matters arising after publication of the Agenda.

J K Gough, The Clerk.



Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     01508550358

To all members of the Parish Council.   You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Parish Meeting and The Annual General Meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held in the Trinity on Wednesday 31st of May at 7.30pm …for the purpose of transacting the following business.

 Jeff Gough, The Clerk

Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting….7.30pm

The Chairman Heather Jackson welcomes parishioners to the Annual Parish Meeting

  1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. Presentation of the Chairman’s Annual Report.
  3. Additional items of concern to Parishioners
  4. i) Questions for the Parish Council. Ii) Parishioners’ ideas for the forthcoming year.

Meeting to close.    There will be a short break …                 

 Agenda for the Annual General Meeting.

  1. 1. To consider apologies for absence.
  2. 2. Appointment of Officers.

The Clerk takes the meeting.

  1. i) Appointment of Chairman

Person appointed Chairman signs the appropriate declaration form.

**The Chairman takes office and chairs all further proceedings**

  1. ii) Appointment of Vice Chairman

 Person appointed Vice Chairman signs the appropriate declaration form.

iii). Co-option of 2 persons to fill the vacant positions as councillor.

If more than 2 people submit their interest/details …. selection will be by secret ballot.

  1. iv) Confirmation of

The Clerk as Finance Officer and Proper Officer.

The Tree Warden. [ Sarah Long]

The four Trustees of Shotesham Common and review date of appointments.

The Footpath Walker/Coordinator. [Tom Higgin]

The Internal Auditor.  [ Mr R Harris.].

4.. Any other matters.

Annual Account re 2022/23.

  • Certificate of Exemption. To be signed Re the forthcoming audit.
  • Confirmation and signing of the audited accounts for 2022/23.
  • Date of next meeting…possibly Tuesday 20th of June
  • Other urgent matters sign publication of the agenda.


J K Gough, The Clerk.



Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ 01508550358.


March 30th 2023.

To all members of the Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Shotesham Parish Council to be held at Trinity Hall at 7.45 pm on the 5th of April for the purpose of transacting the following business.



Jeff Gough,

The Clerk


This is last planned meeting before the election for parish councillors on the 4th of May.


  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. To approve the minutes of 1st of February.
  3. Financial matters … Update of finances to end of year …31st March.
  4. Retrospective Planning Applications 2023/0507
  5. 5. Footpath FP21..a progress report!
  6. The proposal to create a parking area outside the entrance to All Saints Church
  7. If available ..updates of HMI review of appeals ……re:- developments at ‘Glenview’ and ‘Land south of Greenhill’
  8. Update on Highways response re The Mill Ford
  9. The arrangements for the Coronation celebrations.
  10. Training ..continuation of links to PTS for 2023/24.
  11. Changing Bus Timetable …re The Grove

 Any urgent business and/or updates received after publication



 1 Feb 2023