PC Minutes, April 19

Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ 01508550358. clerk.shotesham@outlook.com

Minutes of the meeting of Thursday 4th of April 2019 held at 7.30 at The Trinity.

1. Apologies for absence were received from Heather Jackson, Jill Guy and DC Florence Ellis.
Also, in attendance were CC A Thomas and Mr A Thomas.
2. Minutes of the 7th of February and the 4th of March were accepted as a true record.
3. Planning Application.
• Golden Owl barn … 2019/0533
After examination papers of the retrospective application it was agreed.
There was a request that a ‘condition’ was put on the agreement that the present treated wood be sympathetically coloured to reduce its current starkness. Therefore, making it more in keeping with the local landscape.
4. Draft Financial Statement for 2018/2019.
The statement was accepted.
5. Matters of interest.
• Final dates for the AGM/APM to be agreed by email…with the 9th of May being possible.
• A planning application needs to be considered ..dates will be circulated by email.
• Members were pleased to note that the first stage of recognition of The Globe pub as a community asset has been completed. We await the final decision from south Norfolk.
• The successful litter pick was noted…. with much praise for those who take part.
CC Alison Thomas was invited to make a comment……
• The progress on the new roundabout at Hempnall crossroads was discussed.
• The County Council were changing the current ‘committee system’ to a ‘Cabinet system’. This will allow the speeding up of decision making.
• A new approach to the public will be piloted to allow early ‘face to face’ contact to resolve any concerns promptly. CC Thomas will spearhead the pilot.
• The opportunity to apply for small grants for Highways improvements particular to Shotesham are possible. It was thought this might allow the reinstatement of the ‘heritage’ ‘black and white’ sign posts. The Clerk and J Nott will see what is possible and report back.

NB Next meeting will be at 7.30pm at the Trinity. Dates to be decided and circulated.

J K Gough, The Clerk