SHOTESHAM PARISH COUNCILto be approved at next meeting
Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ.Contact 01508550358.. (email removed for website)
Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday August 7th 2014.
In attendance were …, J Hope [Chairman],S Dinsdale , P Grant.
Plus Frank and Diane Mitchell and DC Florence Ellis.
1. Apologies were received from H Walker, J Nott [Vice Chairman]. and CC A Thomas.
2. Minutes of the 5th of June were approved and signed.
3. Planning Matters
Glenview: Concern was expressed by all councillors about the lack of information from SNDC re the remaining 9 points that were presented to the Head of the Planning Dept. [There were 10 but one was resolved at the meeting with SNDC]
- It is understood that a ‘report’ will be presented to the Planning Committee on the 20th of August. An electronic copy of the report to be requested from Mr Horspole/Mr Trett/SNDC.
- Members wished for representation at the meeting.
- Once the ‘report’ is made public, and thus its content known, a decision will be made by the PCon what action to take in respect to its content.
New Footpath/Pavement from The Grove to Market Lane.[along Brooke Rd.]
Proposal by Mr and Mrs Mitchell.
- A previously circulated document outline the need for some form of safe pedestrian passage from The Grove to Market lane was welcomed and endorsed by the PC.
- Currently the owner of Shotesham Estate is away. When he has had a chance of seeing how the request for land access would affect the estate and then reports his view the PC will prepare its next step.
- In the meanwhile the PC will use the report as the basis of a request to the CC Highways Dept and the local County Councillor Mrs. A Thomas regarding the possibility of providing a roadside pavement.
- If this is not possible then for constructional help with access to a ‘permissive’ footpath on Shotesham Estate.[if approved in principle by Shotesham Estate]
- A positive and helpful discussion was held with Mr. David Kidner to resolve concerns on a number of footpaths of his landowning.
- He, helpfully, updated a map of Shotesham which shows the relationship between footpaths and landowners.
5. War memorial.
- Recognition of the huge sacrifice made by the men of Shotesham and their families would be very much to the fore at each Remembrance Day.
- J Nott was thanked for taking responsibility for the day on the 9th of November.
- It was agreed to invite villagers to come to the Remembrance Day ceremony on November the 9th and place a cross on the memorial for any member of their family wherever their original memorial may be and within whatever conflict they gave their all.
- Crosses can be acquired from The Red Cross or directly from The Clerk.
6. Dog bin and Grit bin
- Mrs. Dunmore was thanked for her working resolving the siting etc of both bins.
- The Bowls Group had agreed that the Dog bin can go on the wall outside the Bowling Green.
- The Grit bin ,which will be green, will be placed within the grassed area of The Grove
- Defibrillator
- The members were pleased to note that the Clerk had, with the support of DC Ellis and DC Overton had acquired sufficient funding to provide for and fit a defibrillator within the village.
- S. Dinsdale agreed to be lead councillor, working with the Clerk to bring all the necessary elements together.
8. Informing the Village
- Key elements of the above would be brought together in a notice for Contact. PC members were asked to advise the Chairman of any other topics as soon as possible.
- The village website would be used to help make people aware.
- It should be noted the Agendas and Minutes are now being put on the website.
9. Mr Mitchell was praised for his particular contribution to developing and supporting the village website ..on
Jeff Gough …The Clerk
The next meeting of the Parish Council is a planning meeting on 4th of September 2014. [Meeting subject to receipt of planning applications for determination].
The next full meeting will be the 2nd of October when a key item will be the setting of the budget for 2015.16