Annual Parish and General Meetings 14 May 2019.


Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ     01508550358

Thursday 14th of May 2019.


Minutes of  the Annual Parish Meeting.

1.  Apologies for absence where received from Kim Dyke, Henry Walker, DC Florence Ellis and CC A Thomas.

2.  Presentation of the Chairman’s Annual Report.

  • The annual report was presented, discussed and accepted.
  • The report has been placed on the website and in both notice boards.

4.  Additional items of concern to Parishioners

 Ideas for the forthcoming year.

  • Two proposals regarding footpaths 
  • To request attendance of the current lead officer for Boudicca’s Way at Joy’s loke to follow-up on promises made to ‘review’ the situation of the path-side ditches and the spoil heaps they created.
  • To arrange a meeting of the Footpath team to review the current signage of all footpaths as a matter of urgency. In this regard it was suggested a ‘look’ could be taken of alternative posting e.g. round fence posts, to help with rapid replacement and keep associated costs at a minimum.

Meeting closed.

There was a short break …                 



Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ     01508550358

Thursday 14th of May 2019.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting.

1. Apologies for absence where received from Kim Dyke, Henry Walker, DC Florence Ellis and CC A Thomas.    

2.  Appointment of Officers.

i) Appointment of Chairman

Heather Jackson was appointed as Chairman after signing the appropriate declaration form.

The Chairman took office and chaired all further proceedings

ii)  Appointment of Vice Chairman

 Person Jon Nott was appointed Vice Chairman and signed the appropriate declaration form.

iii). Confirmation of the following appointments ……..

The Clerk as Finance Officer and Proper Officer.

The Tree Warden [Mr R Woollacott]

The Footpath Walker. [Mrs P Gould]

The Internal Auditor.  [ Mr R Harris.]

The voluntary contribution made by the 3 people above was highly praised. The quiet work they do helps keep our village very much valued by the residents.

3. Co-option to the vacancy.

  • Successful person was Mrs Jill Guy who will formally sign the appropriate forms at the next meeting.

4. Any other matters.

  • Certificate of Exemption was duly signed and will be sent, as required, to the External Auditor.
  • Matter of interest.

Membership of the Trustees of Shotesham Common. 

All 4 appointees of the parish council on the Commons Trustees to be asked if they wish to continue in office. With that information to hand the bi-annual review of appointees will begin immediately and then again in 2021/2023/etc. This is where 2 members of the parish are appointed for 4 years and then their appointments reviewed.

J K Gough  

The Clerk