Minutes – April 5th 2018

Contact 01508 550358. email clerk.shotesham@outlook.com

Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity at 7.30 pm on 5th of April 2018.
In attendance H Jackson, J Nott, K Dyke, H Walker, J Guy, M Dyke and DC Ellis
1. Apologies received and accepted from S Dinsdale and CC A Thomas.

2. The minutes of the 1st of March were accepted and signed.

3. Conservation Area…The members appreciated greatly their meeting with Mr Beckett. A very informative and helpful discussion has led to a better understanding of the key issues. Various possible shapes of the Conservation Area were discussed. The councillors were asked to pass their suggestions for what might be added or removed from the present plan to the Clerk who would collate them and pass on to Mr. Beckett.
Later in the review process a draft of the combination of the SNDC and PC views would be produced and a mini ‘exhibition’ set up to allow interested villagers to come and share their thoughts. The PC agreed to make every effort to publicise and therefore encourage villagers attendance at that ‘exhibition’ where Mr Beckett would be in attendance.
Following the exhibition Mr Beckett will attend a meeting of the PC.
Eventually a final plan would be formally presented to the members of SNDC for their agreement.

4. Parish matters
Litter Pick Weekend. It was sad to see such a mound of roadside litter collected but it is encouraging that such efforts have been made to help improve the village. SNDC promptly gathered everything up and whisked it away. A good job done all round!
Playing Field.
The visit to the playing fields by Mr Evans of NORSE on Monday 9th April would be attended by Kim Dyke as lead councillor and the Clerk. A report will be circulated before the next meeting.
The children’s playing area. Regrettably no response has been received from the Mercers. If no progress is made in the next 2 weeks the Chairman and the Clerk are authorised to write formally on behalf of the parish council to the Mercers expressing their concerns.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The forthcoming starting of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will need the PC to review it data storage. This will be given priority over the next few months.

5. Annual Parish Meeting on 3rd May.
• Recycling. Lisa Fountain of SNDC will attend the May 3rd AGM. Everyone is looking forward to her input when the focus will be on recycling. It is hoped to encourage the village to attend that meeting as a better understanding of the recycling process, together with a clear picture of what goes where, will lead to both less items being bought that need recycling and higher percentage of items being appropriately recycled.
• Annual Report Members were encouraged to produce brief reports on their areas of interest as soon as possible.

6. Finance
• Certificate of Exemption. After a brief discussion it was agreed to complete the ‘certificate’ for submission to the External Auditors.
• The initial Balance of Accounts for 2017/8 was accepted.

7. Planning Determination
• Old Hall Barn, Hawes Green…………2018/0689 The application was agreed.

• Park Farm House……………………….2018/0506 The application was agreed.

There was some concern that the nature/style of the submitted plans made it difficult to see and read the details. The plans are now submitted to the PC electronically.
8. Support of local landowners.
• The adverse weather a couple week or so ago was mitigated by the excellent work done by local landowners in helping clearing snow. Everyone felt a very good job was done. Immediate general ‘ thanks’ were placed in Contact. Members felt a more personal Thank you should follow. This will be done.

** DC Ellis expressed her concern that the Playing Field was not formally recognised within SNDC as a ‘Green Space’. It was her understanding and that of the PC that this had been done. Every effort would be made to clarify the situation. The clerk will check with the previous Chairman Mr John Hope and check all records from that time.

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm at the Trinity on May 3rdth 2018.

J K Gough,
The Clerk,
Shotesham Parish Council