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Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity at 7.30 pm on 7th of June 2018.
1. Apologies received and accepted from S Dinsdale, DC F Ellis and CC A Thomas.
2. The minutes of the 5th of April, and 3rd of May [both the AGM and the APM] were accepted and signed.
3. Planning Applications
• Malt Kiln Farm……….2018/0905
After a lengthy discussion and a review of all in information available it was felt that the application could not be decided in any way. There was concern around road/vehicle/cyclist safety that another entrance on to a busy road would cause. It was noted that heavy vehicles would use the entrance, the adequacy of the ‘splay’ within the application did not appear to match the highways recommendation and trees and hedges would be removed. More information was needed.
• Southside of Greenhill….2018/1172
This application could not be supported.
Concern was expressed over a wide range of issues similar to previous submissions on this site. The landscape value of this hillside and the valley, its proximity to the common, poor design of the building, no reports on the ‘small building re bats etc. ,
• Old Hall Barn …….2018/1172
This application was not supported.
Concern was expressed on the buildings impact on neighbours and its impact on this ‘special’ arrangement of the listed old farm building [which were sensitively converted to homes], the atmospheric ruin of St Martins Church and all juxtaposed to the delightful St Mary’s Church. An area to be treasured.
4. Finance.
• The Certificate of Exemption had been agreed in principle at the previous meeting subject to a successful internal audit.
• The internal audit report was considered and accepted. The appreciation of the members to be shared with Mr Harris.
• The Certificate of Exemption was thus agreed and then signed by the Chairman.
• Members discussed and accepted the Accounting Statement. It was then signed by The Chairman.
5. Parish matters
• Litter Pick Prize Winner. Members were delight to be advised by Lisa Fountain of SNDC that they were the lucky winners in 2018. Members agreed to ask ‘the village’ for ideas as to how to spend the prize or for someone to come forward with a ‘good and beneficial’ idea they would like to initiate.
• Trod path. The Chairman and the Clerk reported back on their visit to Flordon where such a path is in place. The path was more like a gravel pavement and not what had been expected. Mr Overland had offered to meet with the Chairman to discuss the possibilities in Shotesham. This offer had been accepted and will be reported back at the next meeting.
• The children’s playing area. If no progress is made in the next 2 weeks the Chairman and the Clerk are authorised to write formally on behalf of the parish council to the Mercers expressing their concerns that such along time has passed without formal acknowledgement.
• Playing Field. The cleared area is now covered with full grown nettles and scrub. Jon Nott also agreed to see if another ‘chain-strim’ was appropriate. On visiting the playing field, it was noted that the area next to Rectory Barn had not been cut by Norse due to the mature nettles etc and, more importantly, garden waste may have began being stored in the area. Arrangements would be made to rectify the situation as soon as possible.
• Conservation Area…The members noted that no meeting had been arranged to allow Mr Beckett to share the proposal with villagers [probably at All saints Church] and to receive their reactions and comments before finalising the review of the Shotesham Conservation Area. The Clerk will contact Mr Beckett to clarify matters.
• SAM Henry Walker ran through the data gathered at the latest position. It was informative and revealing! A brief report would be prepared for inclusion in Contact.
• Footpath. No improvement had been seen in the footpath at Pulls farm. The only course of action was to formally report matters to NCC..the responsible agents.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm at the Trinity on a date to be agreed.
J K Gough, The Clerk, Shotesham Parish Council