No 5 All Saints Cottage
All Saints Cottage, first named Church House, was built by Gerald Kelly in 1998.
The roof is constructed of Norfolk reed.
The land was used as an orchard and allotment and until fairly recently there was an ice house under the bank to the front of the house.
A conveyance was carried out in November 1961 between the Diocesan Board and Alphonso Pegg (cowman) of Church Cottage. An order was made that the the Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Shotesham was authorised by the Charity Commisssioners to sell the land for not less than £350. This parcel of land included what is now Old Church Cottage, know locally as Pegg’s Cottage, and the land up to the scout hut which has since been removed.
A lease was set up in 1961 between Alphonso Pegg (landlord) and William Laws, general storekeeper and his wife (of Tollgate Cottage) for the use of the piece of garden and outbuildings for a term of 10 years (where All Saints Cottage now is) for rent of £1 per annum!!!