Becmead Shotesham St Mary NR15 1UJ 01508550358..
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and The Annual General Meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held in the Trinity on Thursday 11th of May at 7.30pm
In attendance .. H Jackson. J Nott, J Guy, H Walker, M Dyke and S Dinsdale.
1. To consider apologies for absence.
Apologies received from DC F Ellis and CC A Thomas.
2. Presentation of the Chairman’s Annual Report.
The Chairman’s report was discussed and agreed as a summary of the years events. A copy would be placed on the main Notice Board …and, if possible, on the website.
The Chairman asked that the appreciation of the whole of the council and the ‘village’ for the excellent work done by Mr Bob S Edwards ,,the Highways Officer for Shotesham be noted and these sentiments be shared with him and our CC A Thomas. He was wished ‘well’ in his new employment.
Meeting to close.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting.
1. To consider apologies for absence.
In attendance…….H Jackson. J Nott, J Guy, H Walker, M Dyke and S Dinsdale.
2. Appointment of Officers.
Mrs H Jackson was appointed as Chairman and signed the appropriate declaration form.
The Chairman took office and chaired all further proceedings
ii) Appointment of Vice Chairman
Mr J Nott was appointed as Vice Chairman
iii). Members confirmed ….
The Clerk as Finance Officer and Proper Officer.
The Tree Warden [Mr R Woollacott]
The Footpath Walker. [Mrs P Gould]
The Internal Auditor. [ Mr R Harris. ]
3. Initial statement of end of year financial position..2016/7.
The financial position was shared and accepted. The final version will be produced once the VAT refund is received. This being the last item relating to 2016/17.
4, Planning Application .
• Maltkiln Farm, Stoke Holy Cross….2017/0913.
The planning application was not supported.
The following points were made ……
• Members accepted they should express their views as it fell on the boundary of the parish.
• Very little information was made available within the application.
• No mention was made of the possible impact on The Common and its SSSI status. A highly valued status by the parish.
• Entry to the same ‘field’ is possible from the existing entrance.
• Although not within the villages conservation area concern was expressed over the lack of explanation as to the reduction in the number of tress and their local impact.
• The highway is an open road with national speed limits only. Experience suggests vehicles using this stretch of road often reach the legal limit. As there is no indication of the ‘splay’ at the dropped kerb site no judgement could be made of the likely hazard the dropped kerb would cause.
Finally if the above is over-ruled by the planning authority it was felt very strict conditions should be laid down.
• The dimensions of the required splay/entrance.
• The materials used to finish the surface of the entrance.
• The form of the entrance ..[ e.g. .posts/pillars if used] should be in keeping with the other entrances in the same immediate area. The area is part of a very rural landscape.
5. Matters for consideration.
• Footpath/Bridleway posts.
It was noted that agreement had been reached to replace missing posts and ‘re-plant’ the broken post on Wash Lane.
H Walker reported on his attendance at a briefing on the impact of DONG’s proposals. They are creating the lagest windfarm complex off the coast of north norfolk. It will not be seen from the coast. Power will be brought underground to the present substation off the A140. Some 10 hectacres will be required. A power storage plant will be created which could be 25 metres high! Details of the meeting will be sent to PC’s. They will be shared on arrival.
• Market Lane is again a cause of concern.Farm equipment has destroyed the plastic markers exposing the retaining ‘sacks’ to damage and thus collapse of the rebuilt bank.
• Moles on playing field
Hopefully action would be seen in the next week or so.
• Date for Defibrillation event/training.
Two dates were thought possible ..16th or 23rd of September. The Clerk will check if either date interferes with future Village Market plans.
• Village entrance/White gates.
• Costing and local sites to be identified.
• Members were asked to ‘photograph’ any similar gates if seen.
The Meeting closed
J K Gough The Clerk