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Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on 29th of June 2017.
In attendance were …, H Jackson, J Nott, M Dyke, S Dinsdale, M Dyke, J Guy and K Dyke plus DC F Ellis and CC A Thomas
1. Apologies received from M Riches together with the apology came a formal resignation letter thanking the Parish Council for the opportunity to serve as a councillor. A contribution to the village he very much enjoyed making. Nevertheless he recognised that his business commitments have meant he was unable to fulfil those duties as fully as he would have wished and as a result felt he should offer his resignation. If an opportunity arises where his skill-set would be of value he would be pleased to help on a casual basis.
His resignation was accepted and the thanks of the council will be conveyed to him.
The process of recruiting a replacement member will now begin.
2. Minutes 11th May, for both the APM and the AGM, were accepted and signed as a correct record.
3. Audited Accounts
The accounts for dispatch to the Auditors ..Mazars…were considered and accepted. The Chairman and Clerk signed them on behalf of the Parish Council.
NB The benches created with a grant, from Anglia Water, are to be considered as ‘community seating’ on the Asset Register.
4. Planning Application
• 2017/0692 Wolferd Green.
The application was accepted with no objections
• 2017/1414 Park Farm
The application was accepted with no objections.
5. Urgent Business.
• Members were reminded about the request for minor repairs etc facilitated by the Highways Rangers.
• Safety concerns were raised regarding the very late cutting of the grass at the splays on road junctions .. vision was often difficult and in some cases dangerous. Request they are given a high priority next season.
• CPR and Defibrillator training will be from 10-12 on the 9th of September.
Report from DC Florence Ellis
Long Stratton By-pass. There will be an exhibition on the by-pass on Monday 17th of July at the Methodist Church [NR15 2XS] from 2-8pm. Members will share as widely as possible.
Report from CC Alison Thomas.
Highway/Parish Partnership. Grants were available for small improvements in Highways related schemes. No scheme too small.
Ofsted. Another visit had been made and it was hoped the ongoing improvement in Children’s Service with be recognised. A permanent Director of Children’s Services is being sought.
Business and Property. Details were shared of a new initiative to make better and more effective use of existing property owned by the County.
JKGough, The Clerk, Shotesham Parish Council