4SHOTESHAM PARISH COUNCIL to be approved at next meeting
Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ.Contact 01508550358.. email shoteshampc@btinternet.com
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held at the Trinity Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th of May 2016
In attendance were …,
H Jackson, J Nott, M Dyke, H Walker S Dinsdale, J Guy. K Dyke and local councillor F Ellis.
Also in attendance parishioner … S Astbury,
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance and decided to allow the 2 visitors ..Tim Ridgley and Matt Rudling to speak before she presented her annual report.
1. Apologies
Apologies received from M Riches and CC A Thomas.
2. Tim Ridgley introduced the 5+ Good neighbours Scheme
The key points were…….
• All information is kept confidential at all times.
• It was a scheme that absolutely relied on volunteers.
• The scheme was run independently of Poringland Parish Council.
• A small amount of funding plus donations allowed it to be set up.
• Given volunteers a duty rota was drawn up.
• The volunteer on duty held the mobile phone dedicated to the 5+ scheme. The phone was one of the significant expenses.
• The duty volunteer would deal with requests themselves or contact specifically skilled volunteers from the local list. A range of skill sets were available to be called on …
1. Transport ..with a pre-agreed donation for travel ..say to hospital/GP visits/collection of prescriptions/dentists/hairdressers ..with an agreed rate ..[45p at present] per mile ..or £5 to NNUH.[each way].
2. A listening ear for lonely/bereaved/ill people. or just people housebound who would value company for an hour or so ..a chat and a cup of tea.
3. Help for very minor jobs .. changing light bulbs/fuses/watering plants ..small but vital.
4. Shopping or running errands ..daily paper/posting letters/walking the dog…
• A record of calls and visits would be maintained.
A positive response was given to the scheme ..either to join in with the 5+ scheme or to set up a similar Shotesham scheme. This would be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.
Tim’s contribution was positively welcomed and he was personally thanked for attending.
3. Matt Rudling introduced the UK Powernetworks scheme …
The schemes key points were .,….
• The recognition that electricity consumers were particularly vulnerable when there was a disconnection of supply.
• The scheme was developed to ease the stress and distress such a disconnection can cause to already vulnerable people.
• A short form needs to be filled in and sent to the scheme coordinators. This allows names and details of vulnerable people to be added to the data-base.
• The data is only used for this purpose.
• Once accepted as part of the scheme ..whether as an ongoing link or a short term link re people home after an operation, a family with a new born baby, joint replacements etc …
• A welcome pack is sent out containing a telephone [old fashioned but works when power is disconnected], and a torch.
• Given a disconnection the following can happen…
1. A call is made as soon as the disconnection is known giving the best available advice in respect of the length of the disconnection.
2. If it is likely to be more than an inconvenience a whole range of measures follow ..from additional heating provided/meals delivered or vouchers for meals from local pub [given they have power] to in extreme condition access to hotel accommodation as near to home as possible.
3. The Red Cross, who support the scheme, would visit if needed.
• The PC’s contribution would be to make contact with vulnerable people in Shotesham ….to share the details and to seek their agreement to join the scheme.
• Given agreement to distribute forms and/or to actively help with their completion and sending in.
• To make the scheme known as widely as possible.
A positive response was given to the scheme. The strategy to meet the above would be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.
Matt’s contribution was positively welcomed and he was personally thanked for attending.
4. Chairman’s Report.
The report was shared in detail and was warmly appreciated.
A copy of the report will be stored with these minutes.
Additionally it would be placed on the Village Website in due course.
The meeting closed.
SHOTESHAM PARISH COUNCIL ..Annual Parish Meeting ..4th may 2016.
Chairman’s Report 2016
We started as a new Parish Council this year with 4 new councillors. Sadly there were not enough candidates to force an election, but after a very well supported co-option process we now have a full compliment of 7 councillors. We are always pleased to see members of the public at the meetings.
During the year we have had 9 full Parish Council meetings and 5 additional ones to consider planning applications, of which there have been 19 during that time
The big change this year is that we no longer receive paper copies of these applications. The Clerk is sent an e-copy of the documents, which he forwards to the whole council. To view these plans at meetings, so that they can be discussed, we intend to purchase a small digital projector, for which our District Councillor has agreed to make us a small grant.
We now have SAM 2 operating on Chapel Lane. Thank you to Henry for helping to organize the purchase of this, made with grant funding from 2015 and a contribution from the last years precept. Henry, Jon and Mark Riches have undergone training in its use and we hope to not only make car drivers aware of their speed, but also to collect data on the traffic flow.
Jill has been working with Maureen Lister on the village footpath network. She has contacted land owners to ask them to keep the ways clear, and also with Jon has put some new finger posts in place. We are waiting for additional ones from Highways to complete the marking of the paths. Maureen and her team of footpath walkers do a wonderful job. Our thanks to them.
The Anglian water grant, held over from last year, is enabling us to put some basic benches in strategic spots so that walkers can rest and take in the views. Currently we are asking for quotes to make these, and hope they will be completed quite soon.
The annual litter pick at the beginning of March produced the usual mini mountain of rubbish, which was promptly collected by the District council. Every year the many willing volunteers do an excellent job and we are really grateful for their efforts.
In November we co-ordinated the Remembrance ceremony at the War Memorial, which as in every other year was well attended by villagers of all ages. Members from the Parish who have family members on other memorials are invited to place a cross during the ceremony.
We held a” get to know your neighbours” drink and bring your own picnic afternoon. As it often is, this was done with the help and support of the Village Association.
Kim Dyke, on behalf of the Parish Council, arranged a CPR and Defibrillator training session. We really hope this proved useful for those who attended, and our thanks are due to Kim.
We still await the completion of work on the telephone boxes- we have an agreement with someone to do this, but nothing yet. The one on the common was damaged in the strong winds, but again this is in hand.
Raz Woollacott has been our tree warden this year, and happily he has agreed to continue in this roll, which he feels is to discuss and offer help with any questions arising.
During this year we have, with one or two hiccoughs, put both the agendas and minutes of meetings on the village website. Hopefully this will be used more frequently as more of the village discover what a good resource the website it is. Congratulations and thanks are due to so many who generously give their time to keep the site up to date, attractive, and easy to access.
Bob Harris has acted as our internal auditor, and has agreed to continue.
Florence Ellis, our district Councillor, and Alison Thomas our County Councillor attend our meetings when they can and have offered invaluable advice and support.
This year the council has worked as a team, to keep the village active and attractive not only to all those who live here, but also for those who pass through.
Particular thanks are due to Jeff Gough, our clerk, whose experience in the roll makes all our lives much easier.
heather jackson 4th May 2016.