Dear all,
I wanted to provide an update on our analysis of the Norwich Western Link options consultation, which ran between November 2018 and January 2019 and sought people’s opinions on four shortlisted route options for a new or improved road link between the A47 and the western end of Broadland Northway (formerly known as the NDR).
We’re continuing to analyse the responses we’ve received through the consultation, particularly the letter and email responses and the ‘free text’ elements of the consultation survey, so we don’t have a complete picture of the consultation responses as yet. We plan to publish the full results when we announce our preferred route, alongside all the other information which has informed our decision-making – the date is to be decided due to a change in the County Council’s constitution (which will see us move from a committee system to a cabinet system later this spring).
However, because we know there is likely to be significant interest in the consultation results, we wanted to share some of the headline facts and figures with you at this point. These are:
The consultation website was viewed by 3,475 people and a total of 1,245 people came to 17 consultation events staffed by members of the Norwich Western Link project team.
We received more than 1,900 responses in total, with 1,825 responding via the consultation survey available on the consultation website and 104 sending their responses by letter or email.
Initial analysis of the responses to the consultation survey suggests there is strong agreement among respondents that there is a need for a Norwich Western Link road, with Option D ranking as the most popular solution, Option C the second most popular and Option A the least popular.
As mentioned, there is still a lot of important information we need to consider which will help us identify a preferred route for the Norwich Western Link. The project team are continuing to work hard to gather and take account of all this information before any conclusions are made.
Best wishes,
Chris Fernandez, Norwich Western Link
Infrastucture Delivery, CES department, Norfolk County Council
| Dept: 0344 800 8020 | Website:
County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH