Minutes – 4 November 2024

Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     
01508550358    shoteshampc.clerk@outlook.com

Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held in the Trinity at 7.00pm on 4th of November .

  1. Apologies for absence received from .H Walker and S Dinsdale
    DC John Cook attended.
  1. Consideration of Planning Applications 2024/3032 Orchard Cottage.
    The meeting supported the application
  1. Consideration of Planning Application 2024/1619 Upgate Cottage
    The meeting supported the amended application
  1. Matters arising after publication of the Agenda
    East Pye Solar Farm

The parish council decided to determine its position re the Farm at the next meeting

The retrospective planning application 2024/3263 was received too late to be considered. It would be considered at the next meeting.

Date for next meeting ..November 19th at the Trinity.

 J K Gough, The Clerk.