Minute – 8 Oct 2024

Becmead, Shotesham St Mary, NR15 1UJ     
01508550358    shoteshampc.clerk@outlook.com

Minutes of the meeting of Shotesham Parish Council held in the Trinity at 7.30 pm on 8th of October 2024

  1. Apologies received from Kim Dyke and Mark Dyke
  2. The minutes of the parish council meeting of the 13th of August were approved and signed by the chairman.
  3. Mobile phone reception in the village
    CC Alison Thomas explained that the County Council is already undertaking a ‘county wide’ survey to establish weak spots/areas to ‘encourage’ providers to improve/strengthen their networks. This was welcomed.
    We will be kept up to date as to the progress being made.
  1. Shotesham in Bloom
    Heather explained that the decision has been made re bulbs that would best naturalised, when planted. It is hoped that there will be a ‘village’ planting day soon with a wide involvement of villagers
  1. Update of CPR training and usage of the defibrillator.
    The event will be held on Saturday November 9th at the Trinity.
    There will be 3 sessions [ if more than 40 apply] of 1 hour each. No more than 20 people are allowed in each session. All places must be pre-booked.
  1. Gigaclear Fibre Broadband. It appears that the majority of the disturbances caused by Gigaclear are over. On 12th September an ’information Van’ was parked in the village to allow people to pop in to gather general information and seek answers to any specific question they havesecond session will be held at the Trinity on
  2. The Ford. A full and clear report was given by CC Thomas. NCC are carrying out a ‘feasibility study’ on what is required to open the ford. CC Thomas will advise the PC as soon as any further details become available.The ford will certainly be closed until the Spring’ and possibly longer.
  3. Remembrance Day. The usual format will be followed on the 10th of November. The chairman will liaise with J Torbett. Rosemarie Gough will review and replace any faded poppies on the crosses. The general area will be made as tidy as possible. All are welcome.
  4. East Pye Solar Farm.
    The response to this item resulted in approximately 20/25 villagers attending the meeting..The Chairman explained that the parish council would no take responsibility to lead the opposition to the solar farm but would help facilitate any group that was set up . It was suggested that one person or a small group get together mobilise the action of those villagers who wish to oppose the East Pye proposal. There was one person who said they would give thought/consideration to leading the group.

    East Pye etc continued….A wide ranging discussion was held. It was clear that  all the attendees were in opposition to the proposed development.
    Councillor Jim Webber explained that from his experience, in similar such situations, it was most effective if each field being used was challenged on its value to the community/landscape etc .rather than trying to cover all the fields in one all-encompassing challenge.

    It was noted that many of the village footpath go through the selected fields which will completely change their very nature and reduce them to fenced alley-ways.

    The Chairman contact the individual to see what help was needed within the village.

    The clerk was asked to contact all effective parishes to register the concern in Shotesham. All responses would be fed back to members and any group that is set up.

    Jeff Gough.